Our Mission

Encouraging and Nurturing Faith in Christ and Academic Excellence

SLHS on Instagram

Join us for an evening of basketball games. K-6th graders and their whole family gets free admission. For more information or to register go to SLHS.COM and look under "Events"
Come recognize the volleyball, girls golf, and cross country seniors!! 5pm tonight before the varsity girls volleyball game!
Register your 7th or 8th grader today. 
Limited Spots are available.
To sign up your student today, go to SLHS.com and look under "Admissions"
We look forward to meeting your student and giving them an exciting day of what it will be like to be an SLHS Falcon!
Register your 7th or 8th grader today. 
Limited Spots are available.
To sign up your student today, go to SLHS.com and look under "Admissions"
We look forward to meeting your student and giving them an exciting day of what it will be like to be an SLHS Falcon!
SLHS Homecoming theme is blacklight, glow in the dark!  Oct 5, 7-10pm @ at the school
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Join us for our Annual Sierra Lutheran Golf Classic.
Register or see sponsorship opportunities and benefits today at SLHS.com under the "GIVING" menu.
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