Core Values
The school’s five core values are anchored in: 1) Christ-centeredness, 2) Excellence, 3) Character, 4) Opportunities, 5) Community
Videos written and produced by SLHS students.
Mission Statement
Sierra Lutheran High is a Christian School that is directed by the word of God and welcomes all students. The SLHS Association churches, board and staff dedicate themselves to providing a personalized and impactful learning experience that challenges students to use their many God given gifts and talents. Our students are expected to become, productive, literate and faithful citizens in the world in which God has placed them.
Vision Statement
Sierra Lutheran will endeavor to provide students the highest quality education, in a Christian environment which nurtures faith and equips students to excel by using their gifts and talents to God’s glory.
Purpose Statement
Preparing Students for today, tomorrow, and eternity.
Student Learner Outcomes (SLO’s)
SLHS graduates will be able to…
Faith Development Outcomes
1. Express a Biblically-based understanding of the Gospel.
2. Develop the skills necessary to read and interpret scripture.
3. Apply Biblical principles to daily life.
4. Understand various religious and secular worldviews (Ethos) contrary to the Christian Ethos, and be able to defend the hope and faith Christians have in Jesus.
Character Development Outcomes
5. Recognize their own unique God-given talents and seeks to use those talents to serve the greater community.
6. Work toward a common goal using the strengths and talents of others.
Academic Outcomes
7. Demonstrate knowledge of key concepts, principles, processes, facts, and skills in the disciplines of language arts, social science, mathematics, and science.
8. Communicate effectively through presentations, listening, writing, and speaking.
9. Apply critical and creative thinking to solve problems.
10. Use technology appropriately and effectively.
11. Access, synthesize, utilize, and correctly cite information.
12. Read, understand, analyze, and compare complex texts from a variety of subjects.
Exemption Statement
Sierra Lutheran High School is fully accredited by the Accrediting Commision for Schools: Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACS WASC) and through National Lutheran Schools Association (NLSA). SLHS is operated as an exempt school under the provision of NRS 394.211 and as such is exempt from the provisions of the Private Elementary and Secondary Authorization Act. Sierra Lutheran offers a demanding curriculum designed to prepare students for success at the college level while encouraging and nurturing faith in Christ.