PRINT :DMV Certification of Attendance (NRS 392)
This form is used for the purpose of a person between the ages of 14 and 18 years, and is enrolled in school, to obtain an instruction
permit or driver’s license. This form certifies that the person is either meeting or exempt from Nevada school attendance requirements.
This form is also used by the schools to suspend a student’s instruction permit or driver’s license or deny future privileges if the student
is declared as a habitual truant. This form is only valid 60 days from which it is signed and dated.
- Fill out the STUDENT INFORMATION section.
- Drop it off at the Office for us to fill out the schools portion.
- Pick it up later the same day.
Our student drivers can also purchase a parking spot designated for them during school hours. If your students would like one, please have them come into the office for a packet to fill out.
When filling out our form, you will need…
•Description of vehicle
•Insurance policy Company and Number
•Form of ID,
•Proof of drivers permit or license
•Payment ($10 first year, $5 second year, Free on their third year of parking)