Why Does SLHS Have a Dress Code?
SLHS perceives education as a formal activity and has adopted an appropriate dress code for all students which minimizes the focus on fashion and promotes school spirit, positive self-image and fosters a spirit of cooperation and participation. The dress code at SLHS follows five key standards: neat, clean, modest, appropriate for a Christ-centered school and avoids extremes. Various wardrobe and color options are available to accommodate each student’s individual preferences.
If a student comes to campus out of dress code, they will be issued dress code compliant clothing.
Prescribed dress from 7:30 AM to 3:15 PM
On any school day, a student (male or female) shall wear:
Heavier winter jackets must be stored in the student’s locker and may not be worn to classes.
Additional dress code requirements:
General Appearance
Dress at Special School Events and School Activities
Students should remember their dress should reflect the fact they represent a Christian school. If a student’s clothing is not in keeping with the theme or dress code guidelines for special events (formal dances, etc.), they may be asked to change or leave the event. Everyday dress code requirements apply to SLHS students attending school-sponsored activities even when off campus. It is the responsibility of SLHS students who invite guests to SLHS events to inform their guests that they are required to follow all SLHS policies.
Consequences for dress code violations may include a warning, taking a student’s phone for the day, loss of privileges, detentions, requiring a change of clothes and/or suspension.
Dress code decisions are made solely by the school faculty and administration and are not subject to appeal.
The administration reserves the right to modify the interpretation of the dress code as need arises during the school year.